December 2007 Newsletter: Head Teacher and HIV trip
In order to improve on our education programme and motivate children, RSVP assisted Mihabura Primary School in organising a successful Study trip.
on the 19th September 2007, P6 students, the first students in P5 and P4, all teachers, the school headmaster and the Pastor visited KAMEMBE Airport, NTENDEZI Secondary School and KIBOGORA Hospital.
Our Sponsor, Simon MBARUSHIMANA, also participated in this study trip and joined us in two of three visited places.
On every visited site, we received substantial information about their purpose. As a result of the trip, kids had their motivation positively challenged, and went away dreaming to become like those they met in different institutions. They, too, responded by increasing their commitment to studying.
Generally, the Study trip delighted participants, children, leaders and even their parents.
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