Latest School Meal News as of May 2008.
The second term started on 28 April 2008, and due to poor early days' school attendance, the first meal wasn't served until 30 April 2008. Bwetween then and 31 May 2008, RSVP has served 2,770 meals in total.
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These photos were taken on Thursday, 29 May 2008.
This is Thursday's menu, except that Potatoes are replaced by Sweet potatoes.
So, the food is sweet potatoes with beans and cabbage.
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One of the children take care of the less abled child, who studies in P5B.
He is now leaving the dining place.
There is a charity that provides the push chair (details later).
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These are oranges, and it's their harvest season.
It must be emphasized that this is the first time fruits are being served.
It's the initiative of the caterer who won RSVP competition. So, we're very chaffed about it!
©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.
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©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.