First Books photos- Bugarama
The first of these 2 photos shows RSVP Rwanda Coordinator (left) and school head teacher (right). When the photo was taken, they were having a telephone conversation with one of the UK volunteers. And in order to cut call costs and foster transparency, the speakers were turned on so that all the volunteers listen and contribute to the conversation- No hidden agendas! The second photo shows the entire Rwanda team (left to right): School's parents commitee president, Church minister, head teacher and RSVP Rwanda coordinator. The building in the background is the church building and the minister kindly came out of an ongoing meeting inside to pose for this photo.
Next pair of photos shows P5 and P6 kids posing for the camera with their books in hand (left) and lifted up (right). This was on Saturday 12 May, 2007. New classrooms in background.
The next pair of photographs shows the big carton from Kigali and kids showing off their new books. They look delighted, don't' they? Mind you it is a custom not to smile on camera: why? I really don't know. Even on wedding day!I notice a guest standing near head teacher (first photo- right: God bless you lovely kiddy!).
The next pair of photos shows just girls, although some seem to have been out of view on both pictures. 2 Rwanda volunteers are also seen. All books were stamped in Kigali at the ream (big ones only) and first and last page with message reading "Donated by the Rwandan School Village Project" to help trace them in case of loss or theft. The houses in the background of the last two pair of photos are another set of classrooms.
Ummhh! Now come on boys- smile! P6 kids (left) and P5 kids (right) flanked by head teacher (left) and Rwanda Coordinator (right).
Finally, background of some classrooms (left) and church building (right). The hill seen on the right is called Muko.
Just to nail down some key dates: Cheque to Macmillan UK paid on April 24, 2007; RSVP account debited on May 1, 2007 (£505.50); Book collected from Macmillan Rwanda on May 7, 2007; Book delivered at the school May 12, 2007. Many thanks to RSVP donors and everyone who contributed. God bless you.
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