Why NOT just endemic aid relief...?
60% of Rwanda's population live below the national-not western- poverty line;
Life expectancy is 44.1 years;
Infant mortality rate is 118; and 203 out of 1 000 new born babies will die before their 5th birthday;
So, apart from helping these kids help themselves, EDUCATION will at least enable them to read their chosen Holy Book for themselves and pray accordingly...?
Greater needs require even greater resources. So, RSVP relies on her 2 unique policies to channel more funds on the ground:
School Meal School Books Policies Gateaway Photos Gateaway Inspections HIV
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©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.