Choice of the best caterer
The winner of the best caterer competition: fax sent on 30/04/2007:
Ref: Provisional Winner: 0006/03/07MIH/BUG
Dear Sir (Rwand team Coordinator),
This is to advise you that the Rwandan School Village Project – RSVP- UK team has, as set out in the caterer selection policy, picked the best tender.
All tender documents were initially studied in Kigali by a competent and qualified person; and a summary of, along with, the weaknesses and strength of each tender document-hereafter known as Kigali Observations-were submitted to UK team on 5/4/2007. This expert also picked, and justified her choice of, the best tender.
The UK team received the translated copies of the “Kigali Observations” and original tender documents on 13/4/2007 and 19/4/2007, respectively. The original tender documents were studied along with the Kigali Observations.
Since one competitor managed to communicate their secret code to one UK team member, the latter did not take part in the selection process.
The rest of the UK team reached their verdict independently of each other, and tender 0006/03/07MIH/BUG was chosen unanimously. It was the same tender picked by the expert in Kigali.
Like the Kigali Observations, UK team members did however identify a number of very minor points which require adjustments. Majority of these adjustments will produce a direct, predictable and automatic reduction of the meal price.
Pending a successful interview, tender number 0006/03/07MIH/BUG is therefore declared the Provisional winner of 2007 RSVP’s caterer competition. The interview will be arranged by the Rwanda Team.
NB: All tender documents and Kigali Observations can be accessed and consulted by any contender or any member of the public at Mihabula-Pentecostal Church Owned- primary school, but only on site.
Tender announcement was made in all faith organizations throughout Bugarama village on 17 March 2007 and best tender was picked by the UK team by 25 April 2007.
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©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.
a. Justification given by one UK Team volunteer on 17/4/2007: I agree that offer 006 is the best (agreed with the reasons given by the expert in Kigali who analyzed all docs).
b. Justification given by the other UK Team volunteer on 25/4/2007 :
1. Shows an understanding of the Competition requirements -i.e.have said they are able to manage for first 2 weeks prior to payment from R.S.V.P.
2. They are providing variations of menu without being over expensive.
3.They have confirmed sufficient utensils/seating arrangement-also including toilets (of some kind).
4.They talk of cleanliness -children washing hands etc-although they do not go into any detail of cleanliness in the kitchen etc(NB-this may need to be checked into).
5.they state"I will comply with any other requirements you may ask for" which seems to show a willingness to negociate & cooperate which is a big plus for me.
6. They confirm that staff will be paid, taxes will be paid & rent out of the monies paid-& there is money left over for this when paying 300FRW per day.
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©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.