2007 Best Caterer's weekly menu
The following menu is to be served with effect from Monday 21 May 2007 at 12.30am local time (11.30am London time):
Monthly Cost: (300FRW x 41 x 6) x 4 = 297 200 FRW (~£275.871)
i.e. Price par meal par person= (£275.871/41)/24= £0.28
Total monthly cost= £275.871 + £24 MoneyGram transfer fee= £299.871
Monday: Rice (umuceli) and Beans (ibishyimbo) and Vegetables (imboga rwatsi), and drinking water (amazi yo kunywa).
Tuesday: Plantain (ibitoki), fried potatoes (ifiriti), beans (ibishyimbo), vegetables- cabbage (imboga rwatsi- amashu), and drinking water (amazi yo kunywa)
Wednesday: Maize fufu (ubugali bw’ibigoli) and small aubergine? (intoryi), small fish (injanga), and drinking water (amazi yo kunywa)
Thursday: Potatoes (ibirayi) and beans (ibishyimbo) and imbwija (or imbogeri), and drinking water (amazi yo kunywa)
Friday: Fufu cassava (ubugali), meat (inyama), cassava leaves (isombe) and drinking water (amazi yo kunywa)
Saturday: Rice (umuceli), fried potatoes (chips), peas (amashaza), cabbage (amashu), small fish (injanga), and drinking water (amazi yo kunywa).
Since the school meal program has started a bit late for this class- the national test is due October/November 2007- it has been agreed to provide school meal for one additional day (Saturday) as well as during holidays "catch-up-lessons".
Furthermore, in contrast to the expectations shared by both Rwanda and UK teams, the winner of the competition, after 2 interviews, declined to lower the meal price (300 RFW or £0.28) citing, among others, inflation rises and effects on quality of service. In fairness to her, the £0.20 price quote excluded meat and is over a year old.
So, the meal price is £0.28 and, until RSVP gets more funds, only the P6 class (40 kids rather than 45- 5 drop outs) and 1 teacher will be catered for each week.
As set out in caterer selection policy, the teacher and kids will have log books wherein to record their observations and Kids’ BMI, exam results and school attendance will be monitored.
This is important: Despite its incopletness (i.e. lack of fruits), this tender was clearly better than other 7 received.
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©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.