Detailled Inspection report by RSVP Coordinator
On Wednesday 12 September 2007, RSVP coordinator, while in holidays in Rwanda, visited the project.
None of the volunteers knew he would come to visit. The aim of the visit was to make sure that every thing is done as it should and analyse the progress of the project.
He travelled early in the morning and reached Bugarama at lunch time. He directly went to the restaurant where kids have their meal. The head teacher, as he normally does, accompanied the kids together, this time, with 2 teachers for lunch.
On the above photo, Chantal Umutesi, the winner of catering competition, is helping kids to wash their hands. The water was warm and soap was used.
This picture shows RSVP coordinator greeting Chantal. The head teacher is also seen introducing him to her as the 2 had never met before. Unlike so many, she certainly does smile to the camera.
To see how food is platted out before it is served to kids, please click here. The day’s menu was maize foufou and beans with some local vegetables.
Please note similarities with Mr Nsabayesu' previous impromptu visit which also took place on a Wednesday. Please note that food was kept on the cemented floor, certainly something to address as the project progresses…!
Here kids are waiting for their meal. I was struck by how politely and orderly they do so.
Is it because they are well brought up? May be; but I think it is the realization that there is enough for everyone. This is certainly consistent with the words of the soldier who oversaw the distribution of water during the flooding in Yorkshire in 2007. The initial disorder stopped "once people realized there was enough water for everyone".
Any way, back to the photographs: there are water jars and cups on the table and the scene is almost identical to the photograph taken by Mr Nsabayesu; and this shows consistency. Another photo of different kids can be seen HERE
Very quickly the kitchen was inspected. Like in most village households, three stones, positioned like a triangle, support the saucepan on the top whilst creating space underneath.
Wood is then introduced underneath the saucepan. The saucepan left in the kitchen contains beans and vegetables as kids might need more food.
Being a Christian, she gives thanks before each meal day, and here she has just said Amen.
On this picture below two young men seen at the table edge near a bicycle are teachers who had escorted kids at the restaurant. Other kids are seen here and here .
Please click here to see the head teacher explaining how children fill in the logs after each meal. Their comments are about among others: hygienic conditions, the food taste, etc… and also give their own comments. Please click here to see kids feeling in their log books after the meal.
Simon Collected 5 of them as well as those written by head teacher and Church minister. Simon and head teacher also were kindly also given a portion of food.
Once kids had left the premises, RSVP Coordinator then chatted with Chantal and her colleagues about the progress of the project. In his address, he congratulated them for faithfully delivering services set out in their tender document.
The winner of the catering competition is happy that, being uneducated beyond primary school level, she can now meet her needs and also provides jobs to others.
The only and major challenge she has is the continuous increase of prices at the market.
This price rise cuts considerably down her profits and she wonders what will happen when she starts making losses!!!
Advise on how to minimize cost such as buying some items in bulk was given to her. She was also encouraged to approach the Rwandan team in order to find appropriate solutions to the problem of price rises.
Furthermore, as indicated on the previous impromptu visit, the extra portions she serves to visitors, like us, might decrease her profitability.
The next step involved a meeting with the pastor, the parents’ elected representative and head teacher about the project and the way forward.
The Church Evangelist and some deacons very quickly joined the guided tour.
He visited the church kitchen construction site which could be used by caterers once kids begin to have their meals on site (building a restaurant?) instead of going at the premises of whoever wins future competitions?
A hand of fellowship was shook with the Church Minister, the coordinator delighted particularly in how the minister has personaly supervised RSVP projects.
His notebook was collected and he was keen to ask the secretary to appose a stamp on it...!
From right to left: Jacques Nyandwi the parents representative, Philemon a deacon, the Minister shaking hands with Simon, the Evangelist in charge of the local church, Simon, Head teacher and Dorcass another deacon.
After the meeting, RSVP Coordinator visited all classes: This container and basin are at the entrance of P5 and children use them to wash their hands every time they come back from the loo. Very good effort. Was there soap? Can’t remember, sorry.
These are books provided by RSVP, the head teacher is explaining how they are used in Primary school 5 class.
Shown on this photo here are P6 students with their teachers. They have received Macmillan books and the teacher testified how they have been helpful. Kids wishing to going on to being doctors have put their hand up (in response to the Simon’s question. Other professions were also mentioned).
Unlike other classes in the same school, the P6 class has a cupboard where they keep their books (and football, chalk etc…!).
The coordinator continued to visit other classes that have not yet got books. Needs, as spelt out by the teachers, are enormous:
Here P4 teacher is explaining the struggle he faces in getting didactic materials.
He has only one book: a mathematics book borrowed from a Burundian school!!
As the primary school is at near Burundi and DRC, teachers borrow and photocopy books from those neighbouring countries and adjust them on their curriculum!!!
Here is P2 class group B.
The teacher has two groups: A and B, one comes in the morning and the other one in the afternoon.
Kids attending this Wednesday afternoon are from group B, which has on average 58 children.
They seat on benches and write on their thighs...!
The school has not enough classrooms.
For example, this picture shows P1 class group A with more than 60 children in a small but very packed room.
By the visit time, the P3 classroom was under reconstruction as it fell down some days before. Kids were having their lessons in the church hall as seen on these 3 photographs: photo 1, and photo 2.
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