Thanks to our donors and Friends, the School Meal program expanded to 123 pupils since Jan 14, 2008. Only 40 children were enrolled in 2007.
The School started officially on Jan 08, 2008 and the first meal wasn't served until after a week. This is because the early days are usually dedicated to non-educational activities such as cleaning. Also, the school attendance is quite poor during this time.
Please click chart for a larger view
As seen on this Enlargeable chart, children in Class 5A and 5B (ideally aged 11) received 809 and 750 meals respectively whereas Class 6 totalled 789.
Unlike Class 5, children in the final year have an additional "catch-up" school day on Saturday.
The attendance of Class 5 pupils showed marked fluctuations whereas Class 6 saw an increase once children qualifying for a reseat got their National Test results.
Please click chart for a larger view
Interestingly, more children reported at school in the second month.
Again, as seen on this Enlargeable chart,, RSVP provided 823 meals to pupils in Class 5A, 813 for Class 5B and 878 for Class 6.
Overall, the attendance improved markedly. However, it is important to note that, during this time, classes were still welcoming new pupils and some children, deemed unfit to be in the final year, were moved back to class 5!
Please click chart for a larger view
During March, RSVP served 526 meals to P5A children, 522 meals to P5B children and 537 meals to finalist children.
Here, the total number is lower due to Revision time given to Children before their end of term examinations.
Due to poor reporting in the first month, the final class population was not known until mid-February.
Please click chart for a larger view
The caterer was thus expecting the number of children registered each previous day. This number was communicated to her by the Headmaster daily.
Once the class population became stable, the caterer, for fairness, then started to be paid according to the number of children "catered for". Since 87 meals weren't claimed for the 24 school days shown on this Enlargeable chart, a small proportion of the 123 children (3.6 pupils on average) are clearly still missing classes each day.
An improved data collection system involving 3 teachers - who accompany their pupils- and the caterer allow RSVP to get systematic daily meal records.
Please click chart for a larger view
Such daily records will be compared and contrasted to the attendance figures mandatorily kept by the school for the ministry of education.
It is clear that the number of unclaimed meals decreased during March 2008. Only 49 meals were unclaimed compared to 87 in the previous month.
Summary of figures and Statistics
NB: 168 meals were served to 3 teachers who accompagn their children for discipline and data collection. It is important to note that the above figures are consistent with the Rwanda and UK Accounts payment record.
©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.
1st April, 2008
Error on data
There 1 or 2 errors on the chart entitled 1st Monthly Report and 2nd Monthly Report.
The error is due to wrong X axis values (X axis should have been Weeks rather than classes).
This is being corrected.
Since apologies.
This is now corrected.
Apologies for the error.
April 7, 2008
A review of the daily school meal figures received and money paid out shows a discrepancy of 277 meals.
That is 53,100RFW or 53 UK Pounds.
This figure is so small that fraud is automatically rulled out. 2 reasons for this:
Firsly Such amount would have to be share between 3 teachers, headteacher, caterer, and Church minister. And,
Secondly Since all those people collect data independently of each other, it is hard to make such fraud arrangements.
So, I believe it's just an error which I will continue to work hard to trace.
Here at RSVP, we are in no doubt that what we are spending is YOUR money... so it is important we do so as transparently as possible!
April 7, 2008
Error identified.
It's after all my mistake: Whilst using Microsoft Excel automatic calculation, by dragging the figure returned in 1 cell to P6 class data, I had left out P6 Saturday figures.
Others classes don't have lunch on Saturday.
So, that was the source of error, which is now corrected.
Every thing does now add up
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©CHARITY No:SC038526. CONTACT: 101 Willowpark Crescent, AB16 6XU. TREASURY: 4 Wrights Lane, Hilton, Aberdeen, AB24 4RY.